Farmec Cluj-Napoca holds the Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14 001: 2004 și ISO 22716: 2007.
Manufacturing process
- The programming of the production in a manner that would properly ensure a right rhythm for the selling products
- The preparation of the technical documentation of the products according to the requests of the ISO 9001 and GMP standards
- The providing of technical information in order to complete the realization of the opportunity analysis in order to start the collaboration for “private label” projects
- The growth of the physical production
- The growth of the production capacity utilization level
- The growth of the labour productivity in the production field
Tons of raw materials annually purchased: 1.500
- Market prospecting and identifying alternative suppliers for the raw materials of strategic importance for the company
- The audit of all agreed suppliers
- Supplying the company with material resources and services according to the needs of the production at the best price/quality ratio.
- The identification, selection and evaluation of the purchasing suppliers on the market
- Permanent monitoring of the market supplying tendencies and maximum capitalization of the available information on the market.
- The negotiation based upon a good acknowledgement of the market offer
- The predictions which will be a basis for the supplying strategies
Number of products annually manufactured: 15 millions pieces
- Rhythmical realization of the structure of fabrication launched in optimal conditions of quality
- Growth of labour productivity
- Growth of the level of utilization of production capacity
Creation, Research, Formulation
Number of patents in the portfolio: 25
- The strict application of the European legislation in the field of cosmetic and household products
- The creation of cosmetic products with new active principles, with maximum cosmetic effects, proven through professional efficacy tests
- The utilization of the most safe raw materials for the human health and for the environment
- The alignment of the formulations with the legal requests of the target markets (America, Asia, South America etc.)
- The development of an eco-certified organic cosmetic products line
- The development of an eco-certified household products
- The satisfaction of our consumers requests at our highest level
- The realization of the concept of new product in full agreement with the market tendencies and consumers’ needs
- The realization and launching of new products within the estimated deadlines
- The information and education of consumers regarding the use of cosmetic products and their benefits
- The efficient and unitary communication of our company’s image and portfolio products on the market
- The ideation, realization, implementation, monitoring and reporting of all the activities of advertising
- Allowing the growth of the companys fame and of the portfolio brands
- Efficient communication for the products and the company on the market
- The growth of the share markets of the commercialized products
- The continuous adjustment of the products offer to the market requests
- Continuous improvement of the products’ image on the market
Distribution – Transport
Number of finished products annually delivered: 15 millions pieces
- The transportation of the products to the consumers in maximum security conditions and in the shortest period of time
- Increasing the efficiency of the own auto fleet (through the optimization of the tracks).
- Preoccupation for the improvement of the professional training of our drivers � according to the newest legal implementations.
- Guaranteeing of the support for the accomplishment of the objectives established by the company during the year at date.
Sales – Post sales
- Increasing the physical sales and their value compared with the sales of the previous year.
- Increasing the number of commercialized products according to the types of clients.
- Increasing the number of active clients compared with the previous year.
- Continuous improvement of the customer relationship.
- Development, implementation, coordination and forecast of the sales strategy with the purpose of overcoming the objectives chosen by the company’s management in optimal conditions of effectiveness and efficiency.
- Growth of the product sales volume
- Continuous improvement of the customer relationship and loyalty programs
- Ensuring the accessibility of the product in as many sales points as possible
- Growth of the number of internal trainings
- Realization of the internal audits programmed in a percentage of 100%;
- The implementation, monitoring and improvement of the politics in the quality field;
- The technical control for raw materials, packaging, semi-manufactured and finished products, within our company;
- The analysis and monitoring of the environmental parameters.